From Monday to Thurdsay we sailed the Yangzhe river in a very Chinese company (us and 200 Chinese in a small boat..). The boat was not what we were expecting, there were bugs in the bed and the whole thing had seen it\s best days but the river and the gorges were great. We took small boats and went to small rivers connected to the Yangzhe and that was great too. It was a pity that it was raining almost the whole time and it got really foggy so my pictures are not all that great. After the cruise we spent one day in a small 4 million people town called Yichang. Really liked the city, it was so lively in spite of the smallness and taxi started from 3 yuan! From Yichang we took a bus to Wuhan which is still by Yangzhe river. It\s so hot here since there is not so much pollution and we can finally see the sun! Wuhan is siprisingly modern , there are big malls and even western food available. We are going to see Mao Zhedongs summer villa and take a walk around the lakes today. Tomorrow evening we take a train to Shanghai, it takes around 15 hours so we will be in Shanghai on Monday.